HOBS: More from Mr Justice Cave - wrongful trading in the 19th century

I have mentioned the 'Cave Orders' before on this blog. I would now like to briefly revisit Mr Justice Cave (pictured), but this time in the context of the 19th century equivalent of wrongful trading (s.214 IA86). In Re Stainton (1887) 4 Morr, 242, the learned judge remarked in relation to a bankrupt trader, "once he is insolvent, he is no longer going on at his own risk in case of failure: he is going on at the risk of his creditors."

Picture Credit: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi6M5gkb83wi_Rru3rgNhJ9tqYZn22Zz8ExWk_yIUmAaM_HaILozexIWB6M-_S1IdwQP5km2DqjyL_tmOD5Fq-EMfrqUJFUlJYG0Z6Iw8OmltPfbt1s5nKrn1EKdLBKhxrF4adYQCi0Z5c/s400/vf12793.jpg
